Computing touches everyone’s daily lives – the results of computer scientists can be found not only in video games, smartphones and the latest animated movie, but can also be found in automobiles, airplanes, and commonly used appliances such as microwaves, televisions, and most other electronic devices. Through studying computer science, students develop and extend logical thinking and problem‐solving skills useful in many career roles. Graduates in computer science will be prepared for admission to graduate study or for immediate employment in business, industry, or government positions involving computer systems and techniques.




  • 成功参与计算科学的专业实践,或将计算机科学工具应用于另一个感兴趣的领域。
  • 追求计算科学的先进研究。
  • 定期展示他们以专业和道德方式促进社会的能力,有效地沟通,并在独立和团队环境中成功工作。


  • 分析复杂的计算问题,并应用计算原则和其他相关学科来识别解决方案。
  • 设计,实施和评估基于计算的解决方案,以满足程序在程序的上下文中的给定的计算要求集。
  • 在各种专业环境中有效沟通。
  • 应认识到基于法律和道德原则的计算实践中的知情判决。
  • 作为从事适合该计划纪律的活动的团队的成员或领导者的功能有效。
  • 应用计算机科学理论和软件开发基本面,以生产基于计算的解决方案。