SW 101 Orientation to Social Work

Orientation to Social Work

The purpose of this course, which is required for social work majors, is to orient social work majors to the School of Social Work (SSW), professional writing standards, and other basic professional skills. Students will learn about establishing an educational plan, professional etiquette, career preparation, self-care, steps in applying for admission to the professional program, campus resources, basic skills in professional writing, and basic knowledge and skills relevant to professional social work practice, including licensure, professional etiquette, and self-care.

School of Social Work



The School of Social Work offers the degrees of bachelor of social work, master of social work and doctor of philosophy.

Social Work, BSW



Social Work students are usually interested in a wide variety of topics related to social justice, human rights, social policy, mental health, and community organizing. Often underlying those interests is a concern for persons who are vulnerable, oppressed, underserved, and living in poverty. Students interested in social work typically have strong oral and written communication skills, an interest in solving social problems, and an enjoyment of working with people from diverse backgrounds.