CS 110 Honors CS I for Majors

Honors CS I for Majors

This course covers the same material as CS 100 but in a depth appropriate for honors students. It is an honors version of the first course in programming for students majoring in computer science. Prior knowledge of programming is not required, but the course is appropriate for students with prior programming experience. Language concepts include primitives, variables, sequences, function, selection, iteration and recursion. Software engineering concepts include testing and debugging. System concepts include directories, paths, files, and text editing.

Prerequisite(s):(MATH 112andMATH 113) orMATH 115or UA ACT Subject Math Placement 565 or UA Placement Mathematics 440
Prerequisite(s) with concurrency: MATH 125orMATH 126orMATH 145orMATH 146
University Honors

Credit by Examination



...CS100 4 Computer Science Principles 3CS...Drawing Portfolio) 4 ART110, ART 130 , ART...

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...PH 125, PH 126, CH 117, andCS110AEM 491 or AEM 492 Special...

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...substituteCS100CSI for Majors (4 semester hours),CS110HonorsCSI...